Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Meaning of Life

The meaning of life has always puzzled me ever since I was a kid. As a child, I was taught many things such as mathematics, science etc. But when it came to the topic about meaning of life, no one actually had a similar definition of what life is, as each has their own experiences and differences.

Trying to use the knowledge taught at that young age, I found that the meaning of life was impossible be reasoned out, predicted or even calculated. Questions keep popping up from my conscious about what is the meaning or the very existence of my life supposed to be? My parents told me I would understand more as I would grow older.

As time goes by, my parents brought me to different parts of the world, and told me to see for myself what life was in different places. Having exposed to many different culture, religion and society around the world, I figured out why I had so many different answers from the people whom I asked. Each of them was trying to convey their own experiences in life for me to understand.

Even thought I have a picture of what the meaning of life is, but it’s a picture that I couldn't describe myself in simple words or knowledge. I would say that the meaning of life have to be experienced in-order to be appreciated.


Brad Blackstone said...

This is a fluently written, well organized and insightful response.
I appreciate your effort and your advanced understanding. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Nice picture man~~~as well as the article~

William Tan said...

There a phase "a picture says a thousand word".
I totally see that in this post.
Nice Picture!

verison said...

"I would say that the meaning of life have to be experienced in-order to be appreciated."

Totally agree with this.

Ragnarok said...

Just wondering if anybody is going to sign up for the NOC for the next coming sem. hopefully we can get accepted and get to find the meaning of life! (^_^)