Sunday, February 3, 2008

How does the increase in waste/rubbish affect Singapore's environment?

In Singapore, The government have done a great job cleaning up our country and is labelled a green city to many locals and foreigners. But little do people know the underlying problems ahead as our waste generated is seemly ballooned up for the past decade. Statistics from the Straits Times shows a 600 percent increase in waste generated from 0.46 million tonnes to 2.786 million tonnes of rubbish in 1970 to 2000.Even though Singapore have four incineration plants to burn most of our waste, but not all of such trash like glass could be incinerated and items like such would required to be dumped into landfills to be ridden off. Furthermore, as Singapore has limited land for landfills, our tiny country might soon not have enough places for us to dispose of our rubbish.

Obvious solution is not to keep finding for more landfills and avoid our current situation, but to face the fact that our trash is increasing more as our population keeps growing. One of the many ways of cutting the amount of waste generated can be performed by us is; to promote / encourage recycling habits. Such small acts of using own carriers instead of plastic bags, throwing glass/metal cans into respective recycle bin and probably even selling/giving to our local “karung guni” man reusable items could help promote and reduce the amount of out garbage produced daily. If everyone plays their humble part in contributing onto our environment, we would have lesser waste and a better tomorrow.
(My blogging buddy is William)


Brad Blackstone said...

Thanks, Justin, for this post. We need to look at the language use and the way you start the disucssion. I hope to talk about it in class.

Su Mon said...

It's interesting to read this argument .It's a very serious problem which my country face too .

William Tan said...

My man, i have got to say something about your post.....

In the first paragraph, the sentence:

Even thought Singapore have four incineration plants....

should be:
Even though Singapore have four incineration plants....

I miss that the first time i edit, please change thanks. :P