Saturday, March 22, 2008

Timed Para~~~

In my opinion, zero waste will be more suitable for my country, Singapore, as there is limited land resources in my country and by using landfill will be an unwise choice due to land scarcity. Land filling is to dispose all unwanted waste into a piece of land that is to be covered up. We assume nature will do its part to biodegrade these waste materials. Using the landfill method is a fast and effortless way of disposing waste material as waste is just needed to be collected by garbage trucks and these wastes are compressed and dumped into the landfills. In contrast, according to Collins (2002), zero waste is a system that uses materials “that can be repaired, reused or recycled” (p.25). Zero waste system requires the man power to sort out the types of waste used before the recycling process begins. The time and money needed to clean and reuse such materials may be a lot but it will also create vast number of job opportunities for the people in addition to being environmentally friendly. Using zero waste will not only save us the space for landfill but it can promote economical benefits and provide a cleaner and greener environment for Singapore.

Collins, J. (2002, Oct 3rd). Radical plans for waste could herald a big clean-up. The Guardian Weekly. P.25.


Brad Blackstone said...

Thanks for working on this. And the comments on others' posts?

Ragnarok said...

It's not really no comments on others' post but they aren't up yet lol and it's good friday and easter sunday. I am just indulging myself in the holiday festive mood hehe.

William Tan said...

err. Slacker..... by the way,

" Singapore, as there is limited land resources in my country"

think you can change it to "as there are limited...." instead..


Su Mon said...

well ,i agree that a small country like Singapore which has limited land need to used zero waste system indeed.:D

KHIEM said...

In terms of land capacity, I agree that zero waste is suitable for your country. However, have you ever thought of the cost of applying such a high-tech method.?

Kwon Hyuk Jin said...

As you had mentioned, Singapore will really need to use zero waste. I don't think Singapore has any space left for landfilling...

Chen Yiguo said...

how come?

Syeda said...

haha...true...Singapore cannot afford to use landfilling...