Saturday, March 22, 2008

Timed Para~~~

In my opinion, zero waste will be more suitable for my country, Singapore, as there is limited land resources in my country and by using landfill will be an unwise choice due to land scarcity. Land filling is to dispose all unwanted waste into a piece of land that is to be covered up. We assume nature will do its part to biodegrade these waste materials. Using the landfill method is a fast and effortless way of disposing waste material as waste is just needed to be collected by garbage trucks and these wastes are compressed and dumped into the landfills. In contrast, according to Collins (2002), zero waste is a system that uses materials “that can be repaired, reused or recycled” (p.25). Zero waste system requires the man power to sort out the types of waste used before the recycling process begins. The time and money needed to clean and reuse such materials may be a lot but it will also create vast number of job opportunities for the people in addition to being environmentally friendly. Using zero waste will not only save us the space for landfill but it can promote economical benefits and provide a cleaner and greener environment for Singapore.

Collins, J. (2002, Oct 3rd). Radical plans for waste could herald a big clean-up. The Guardian Weekly. P.25.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

First draft! First draft!! WORSE draft!!!!

According to Environmental ethics (2007), “Carbon dioxide levels have risen 200 times faster over the past 50 years than at any other time during this period” (p.370). This is a result most likely attributable in burning of fossil fuels when industrialization started back in the early 1850s.Having the global climate changing gradually could result in both the seawater and temperature to raise over time. This change could cause the increasing temperature to change our tropical climate and the coastal land to be submerged in the water.

Researchers have recorded that “Antarctica is shrinking: gravity survey shows overall loss in ice, Antarctica alone contains 90% of earth’s ice, and there is evidence that west Antarctica is melting. The loss of ice amounts to roughly 36 cubic miles per year.” (Jacqueline, 2006, as cited in Environmental ethics, 2006, p.370). And According to the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, “By 2100, global temperatures are projected to rise by 1.4 to 5.8 °C compared to 1990 levels”. Warmer temperatures might not only affect our regional tropical climate to change but also disrupt cycle of rainfall. An article from Channel Newsasia (2006) tells us how much the rainfall has changed since 75 years ago as the amount of rainfall hit 366mm flooding many areas in the city. Not only this, our mangrove forest, home to many fish and shellfish and also helps to protect against coastal erosion, is now beginning to disappear as the heat wave and irregular rainfall caused by global warming contributes to the loss of mangrove vegetations (Environment News Service, 2008).

The increases in global temperature, fuelled by greenhouse gases, have already led to significant melting levels of both Greenland and Antarctic polar icecaps (environmental Ethics, 2007). According to the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, “Sea levels are projected to rise by 9 to 88cm by 2100.” This could mean that our tiny island will soon be sunk into the ocean as the water level is rising caused by melting of ice and snow from mountainous area. Indirectly, it could also cause a lot of flooding issues when rainfall or storm surges occur in low lying areas such as Tanjong Katong and Chinatown areas (Channel Newsasia, 2006). Not only that, a rise in seawater could cause our coastal reservoir’s water supply to become contaminated by seawater, thus, depriving Singapore of a source of fresh water.

If the climate change is left unchecked, such warming could lead to sharply rising sea levels, disruptions of ocean currents, droughts, floods, famines, all ranging from serious to cataclysmic disasters.


Bhatti, J.S., Lal, R., Apps, M.J., & Price, M.A. (2006). Climate Change and Managed Ecosystems. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

Channel newasia (2006, december 20) Tuesday's heavy rainfall third highest in 75 years .Retrieved feburary 10,2008, from

Climate change and the rights of future generations: Social justice beyond mutual advantage. (2007). Environmental ethics, 29, 368-385.

Jacqueline, R. (2006, March 2).Antarctica is shrinking. Retrieved March 13, 2008, from

Environment News Service (2008, February 3) Mangrove forests vanishing at an "Alarming" rate. Retrieved March 13, 2008, from
Ministry of the Environmental and Water Resource. ( n.d.) Retrieved feburary 10,2008, from

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Thoughts about "Saving Nature, but Only for Man" (Charles, 2000)

Singapore Zoo - White Tiger exhibit

The way an economist think is usually to get or choose the best results of the any outcome that is beneficial to them. Likewise in this article, I find that the author has a strong economist way of thinking and writing about the environment. He writes in the fashion that relates us to how much we can love nature. But when it comes to a choice of oil over Arctic caribou, the choice will be always us, humans, over others (Para .9-10). I find it kind of disturbing as the more we learn about things in life or the world, it makes us more self-centred and uncivilized in the view of nature herself. We humans would want more power, knowledge and control over things as we gain new insights in technology as we grow. An example would be keeping animals in Zoo would seem like an earth loving and preserving behaviour to do. In actual fact is the Zoo really to preserving these animals the way they were before or just making a commercial trade and income for people to visit and see what was left after the making of mans own environment? Who are we to play God?


Charles,K. (n.d). Saving Nature, But Only for Man. Handout given by Brad,B