The way an economist think is usually to get or choose the best results of the any outcome that is beneficial to them. Likewise in this article, I find that the author has a strong economist way of thinking and writing about the environment. He writes in the fashion that relates us to how much we can love nature. But when it comes to a choice of oil over Arctic caribou, the choice will be always us, humans, over others (Para .9-10). I find it kind of disturbing as the more we learn about things in life or the world, it makes us more self-centred and uncivilized in the view of nature herself. We humans would want more power, knowledge and control over things as we gain new insights in technology as we grow. An example would be keeping animals in Zoo would seem like an earth loving and preserving behaviour to do. In actual fact is the Zoo really to preserving these animals the way they were before or just making a commercial trade and income for people to visit and see what was left after the making of mans own environment? Who are we to play God?
Charles,K. (n.d). Saving Nature, But Only for Man. Handout given by Brad,B
This is very insightful, Justin. Who ARE we to play God? (Jacks of all trades, perhaps, but masters of none!)
I really like your idea about the Zoo. In general I think this is a good post despite a few grammatical errors.
I do agree with you. Human beings are selfish at the most time and wish to conquer everything in the universe.
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